POTOC Local Event – Hem Heath Saturday 19th November

POTOC Local Event – Hem Heath Saturday 19th November

Unfortunately, POTOC’s website is not operational at the moment, so details are hosted here:

Location: Car parking at the ‘World of Wedgwood’. Post code: ST12 9ER. Follow brown signs for Wedgwood. Park on main visitor carpark. The orienteering event will be adjacent to the coach park. Look out for the POTOC feather banner.

Entries: Enter on the day. Starts from 10.00 to 12.00

Terrain notes: Potteries Orienteering club’s first event at this area. Hem Heath is entirely wooded but courses will also cross the adjoining Wedgwood Park (a quiet residential area). It is managed by Staffordshire Wildlife Trust. The forest comprises of a good mix of ancient broadleaf and coniferous plantation areas. Tree species include 400 year old oaks, ash, cherry, sycamore and beech. The area is dotted with holly thickets and there is a network of ditches, earth walls and gullies. These combine to create a genuine orienteering challenge. Undergrowth varies across the map, courses have been designed to avoid the more brambly areas.

Facilities: World of Wedgwood contains the Wedgwood factory, visitor centre, museum shop and a range of cafes / restaurants. Why not take a look around the Wedgwood museum after your run (free entry).

Map scale: 1:7,500 

Available courses: Long Hard: 5.8km; Short Hard: 4.5km; Moderate: 3.5km; Easy 2.1km; Limited climb on all courses

Organiser: Gordon Witte; Planner: Robert Holdway

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