Financial Summary
Annual accounts are prepared and audited before being submitted to the AGM for approval. Details can be found in the minutes available here.
Our income comes from membership fees and levies on attendance at events held in the region.
Both membership fees and event levies are set annually at the AGM. Currently the membership fee and junior levy are zero.
The adult levy is zero for the first 40 participants at an event and £1 for each participant after that number.
The breakdown of annual expenditure for the 2022/23 financial year is shown here:

This excludes items in the accounts relating to the following financial year, such as the advance payment for JHI accommodation which has since been re-imbursed. It represents a fairly typical year post-covid as committee meetings take place via Zoom.
The West Midlands Junior Squad have a number of sources of fundraising in addition to this annual contribution from WMOA funds.