Wanted! West Midlands League Results Coordinator
Lesley Ross is standing down from this role after many years of sterling work; we are very grateful for all her hard work.
Could you volunteer to take this on? Lesley is happy put together some instructions and / or talk to potential volunteers. You will need a computer with MS Office available, including MS Access. For example, Microsoft 365.
The basic tasks are:
- Set up the League software at the start of the season.
- For each event, you receive a results file from the organising club to be processed by the League software. Some manipulation of the data is needed first.
- The output files of club and individual scores are then sent to the WMOA webmasters to be published.
Please contact Carol Dredge (WMOA Secretary) if you would like to offer or to be put in touch with Lesley. Email addresses for all committee members are here.